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This file contains specific changes/fixes in the different releases of
The GadToolsBox program. The most recent version is first in the list.
The following is a list of abbrevations so you know what's what.
SA = Suggestion added.
MIN = Minor bug fixed.
MAJ = Major bug fixed.
NF = New Feature.
CH = Minor change.
2:285/502.7 Jan van.den.Baard
The written history prior to the 2.0 release has been removed.
GadToolsBox V2.0c (Bug-fix release) (released 14-Apr-93) (37.300)
08-Apr-1993 CH Added my UUCP address to the About requester.
08-Apr-1993 MIN Clicking on Cancel in the FileRequester when
opening a new file resulted in a "Unable to open
xxxxxx" requester. Oops. (37.295)
09-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a couple of small bugs. Bugs found by
Marcel Offermans. (37.296)
09-Apr-1993 NF-SA Added a CloseScreen() test. This will allow (but
not encourage!) the use of tools like MKS_Lens on
the GTB screen. Suggested by Ola Olsson. (37.297)
13-Apr-1993 MAJ GadToolsBox still did not work correctly somtimes
when opening a screen. This should NOT happen
anymore. Bug found by Kai Bolay. (37.298)
14-Apr-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits when clicking OK in the Grid
and Offsets windows. Bug found by Ola Olsson
and Kai Bolay. (37.299)
14-Apr-1993 MAJ The bug with the un-terminated DriPen array
should not occure anymore. Bug found by several
people. (37.300)
GadToolsBox V2.0b (Bug-fix release) (released 07-Apr-93) (37.293)
05-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a small problem when using GadToolsBox in
combination with QMouse. GadToolsBox would (after
the window was opened) keep the busy pointer. I
simply added a ClearPointer() after the
rtUnlockWindow() call. I don't know who's fault
it is (GadToolsBox, QMouse or ReqTools). Bug
found by Arnout Grootveld. (37.292)
07-Apr-1993 MAJ GadToolsBox GURU'd when a window refresh happened
and the "Gadgets" item was checked. Bug found by
Dave Lowrey. (37.293)
GadToolsBox V2.0a (Bug-fix release) (released 02-Apr-93) (37.291)
21-Mar-1993 MAJ Changed the "bsr" branches in the assembly source
generator to "jsr". When generating large files
the "bsr" branches could not reach the
destination addresses. Bug found by Mick Hohmann.
21-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed a bug in the assembly source generator. It
did a CloseFont with _DiskfontBase in a6 instead
of _GfxBase. (37.275)
21-Mar-1993 MAJ The font adaptable source of the assembly source
generator screwed-up totally. Bug found by Mick
Hohmann. (37.276)
21-Mar-1993 MIN The gadget creation routine that the assembly
source generator generates returned the wrong
error code uppon failure. (37.277)
21-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed another assembly source generator bug.
Replaced all "add.b sc_WBorxxx(a0),d0" calls with
"move.b sc_WBorxxx(a0),d1 ext.w d1 add.w d1,d0"
This works, the other solution did not. (37.278)
22-Mar-1993 CH Recompiled under DICE v2.07.54R. Finally got rid
of those unused local variables the easy way!
Also edited the about requester to reflect the
new DICE copyright notices. (37.279)
22-Mar-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug. In some cases the selected
gadgets where not deselected when an other
gadget was selected without the shift key down.
Bug found by Kai Bolay. (37.280)
22-Mar-1993 NF-SA Added Drag-Selection of gadgets. Suggested by
several people. (37.281)
24-Mar-1993 MIN Once a GETFILE gadget was disabled it could not
be enabled again. Bug found by Garry Glendown.
25-Mar-1993 MIN Position adjustment on backdrop windows after a
edit screen re-open screwed up. Switching font
caused the same problem. Bug found by Christoph
Burgdorf. (37.283)
27-Mar-1993 MAJ As it seems GadToolsBox screwed-up majorly in
it's startup. Bug found by Reza Elghazi. (37.284)
27-Mar-1993 MIN The ShowSelected gadget in the ListView editor
did not work correctly. Bug found by Reza Elghazi
29-Mar-1993 MAJ Now needs the gadtoolsbox.library version 39++
for reasons explained in the "ReadMeFirst" file.
29-Mar-1993 MIN Fixed the misterious "listview-grow" bug. Bug
found by several people. (37.287)
30-Mar-1993 MAJ Fixed bug in the Oberon source generator. It
popped the gadget, menus, texts and boxes to
early. (37.288)
01-Apr-1993 NF-SA Now selecting open will allow you to load a .G or
.GUI file. GTB automatically determines what file
it is. For compatibility F7 still works.
Suggested by Kai Bolay. (37.189)
01-Apr-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the .G file reader. (37.290)
03-Apr-1993 MAJ The <Project_Name>_CNT EQU's where not always
generated. Bug found by Christian Pekeler.
GadToolsBox V2.0 - 37.273 (released 13-March-1993)
23-Sep-1992 SA Changed the "Gadgets" menu. I admit that it was a
little messy but now it's cleaned up a little.
Suggested by Reza Elghazi. (37.183)
24-Sep-1992 NF Added the Undercore tag in the ListView editor.
Why did nobody notice that it wasn't there? Also
changed the minimum MaxChars in the STRING and
INTEGER gadgets from 2 to 1. (37.184)
24-Sep-1992 NF-SA Totally redone the menu editors. Now all actions
are done in one window and more accoording to
the Style Guide. Also the screen now only allows
GUI modes which means that modes with a standard
horizontal resolution that is less that 640
pixels are not supported anymore. (37.185)
28-Sep-1992 NF Now GadToolsBox uses the new gadtoolsbox.library
which is still in a early stage but progressing.
This will be a library containing some very
usefull routines when working with gadtools and
it will help people to write external source
generators for GadToolsBox (37.186)
28-Sep-1992 MIN Now GadToolsBox does not see a slider or scroller
that broadcasts a up & down message as a double-
click. Bug found by Marcel Offermans. (37.187)
01-Oct-1992 MIN GadToolsBox did not work with PopUpMenu. Now it
does. Bug found by Kai Bolay/Micheal Hohmann.
03-Oct-1992 NF Started to use the "gadtoolsbox.library" it's
extremely easy and efficient hotkey handling. Now
only the menu editor uses it but soon all gadget
hotkeys will be handled by the library. (37.189)
05-Oct-1992 NF-SA Now the right mouse button can be used to cancel
operations. Suggested by several people. (37.190)
06-Oct-1992 SA Moved the version string closer to the beginning
of the executable. Suggested by Roy van der
Woning (37.191).
18-Oct-1992 MAJ Still working on the re-designed GUI. Found a
wierd join/split bug. GadToolsBox would totally
screw up the joining and splitting of string and
listview gadgets. (37.192)
22-Oct-1992 MAJ When deleting the contents of a string gadget
and then editing that same gadget could/would
cause a big ugly GURU. Bug found by Garry
Glendown. (37.193)
24-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed the routine that checks for double used
gadget source labels. (37.194)
26-Oct-1992 NF Added a great new feature. I have changed the old
style move/size to the same method used by Tool-
maker and Precognition which is really 1.000.000
times better that the old way. (37.195)
27-Oct-1992 MIN The GA_Disabled tag of the Cycle gadget was not
processed correctly. Bug found by Marcel
Offermans. (37.196)
28-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed a wierd bug. GTB uses the nofrag.library
for its memory allocations. The nofrag.library is
a library which takes big blocks from the system
free memory pool in which small memory chunks are
allocated. The nofrag.library automatically de-
allocates unused memory blocks. Because of a
de-allocation error withing GTB a small amount of
bytes where left in each memory block which
caused the nofrag.library to think that the block
was still in use and therefore it did not de-
allocate it. This would leave the memory
allocated while GTB was running. (37.197)
28-Oct-1992 MIN Added window switching using the keyboard.
Suggested by someone.... ( I forgot who it was,
SHAME ON ME!) (37.198)
28-Oct-1992 MIN Fixed a bug with the information printing.
Sometimes GadToolsBox printed that there was no
information on a window while in fact there was
information on the window. Bug found by several
people. (37.199)
02-Nov-1992 NF-SA Now you can use F9 to switch the screen title-bar
on and off. Note that this only works with BACK
DROP windows. Suggested by Klaus Nachtigall.
03-Nov-1992 NF Added th
menu strips using an IFF file structure. (37.201)
04-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
the bevel boxes using an IFF file structure.
04-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
the window texts using an IFF file structure.
07-Nov-1992 CH The "Add" item under the "Gadgets" menu has been
renamed to "Edit". When it is checked you can
edit the gadgets as normal and when it is not
checked the gadgets are added to the window as
normal gadgets and you cannot add or edit them.
07-Nov-1992 MIN Fixed a small bug in the menu editor concerning
the CommKey's. (37.205)
09-Nov-1992 MIN The drag-menu-selection screwed up sometimes by
not interpreting menu events because the handler
was not always correctly notified about drag-
selection breaks. (37.206)
12-Nov-1992 NF GadToolsBox now uses a new set of preferences
files. Also the changing of the preferences now
occurs in different requesters. (37.207)
14-Nov-1992 NF-SA Added the posibility to transform MX gadgets into
CYCLE gadgets and vice versa. Suggested by Reza
Elghazi. (37.208)
14-Nov-1992 MAJ Fixed an enforcer hit in the new menu editor. The
copying of the work menu list did not work 100%.
16-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
all gadgets or the selected gadget from a window
using an IFF file structure. (37.210)
18-Nov-1992 NF_SA Added the possibility to determine the order of
TAB and SHIFT-TAB cycling for STRING and INTEGER
gadgets. Suggested by Garry Glendown and Gael
Marziou. (37.211)
21-Nov-1992 CH Almost did not survive a mega HD crash (forgot to
backup my harddrive... AGAIN #$@$##@$!). Changed
the main program menus. (37.212)
22-Nov-1992 MAJ Fixed a few bugs in the source generators. The
IntuiText counters with multiple window projects
was screwed up in the C and Asm source
generators. The <xxx>Left and <xxx>Top globals
where incorrect in the Asm and Oberon source
generators. Bugs found by Lars Hecking. (37.213)
22-Nov-1992 MAJ The assembly source generator really screwed up
when more than one GETFILE gadget was located in
a window. (37.214)
27-Nov-1992 NF Added the possibility to seperatly Save and Load
windows using a complex multi-context IFF file
structure. (37.215)
27-Nov-1992 CH The window selection requester will not pop-up
anymore when only one window is available.
03-Dec-1992 CH-NF Changed the binary output of GadToolsBox to a
complex multi-context IFF format. The gadtoolsbox
library will include a routine to read this
format. Note that a old file type loader is still
available under the F7 key. (37.217)
07-Dec-1992 CH Utilized the gadtoolsbox.library a little more.
07-Dec-1992 CH Added a backfill pattern the same as most
reqtools requesters have to my own requesters.
This really makes it look great. (37.219)
08-Dec-1992 MAJ Removed a potentially very dangerous bug. The
Process structure it's window pointer did not get
updated when the window was re-opened after
editing the window flags. Experienced crashes
instead of an expected reqtools requester........
09-Dec-1992 MIN The Menu Editor now does not use case sensitive
checks anymore to check for double defined
shortcuts. Now the grid is used when sizing/
moving gadgets. Bugs found by Marcel Offermans.
09-Dec-1992 MIN Fixed a small error in the Menu Editor. The MutEx
button can now only be selected when more then
one (sub)item is present in the list to exclude.
12-Dec-1992 CH-SA Changed the spacing maximum to 100. 40 wasn't
enough. Suggested by Mikael Berglund. (37.223)
13-Dec-1992 NF-SA Now you can spread one single gadget which will
result the gadget being centered between the
given coordinates. Suggested by Marcel Offermans.
18-Dec-1992 MIN GadToolsBox would allow you to try to link a read
only listview to a string gadget. Also in the
listview editor the GTLV_ShowSelected tag could
be turned off when editing a joined listview
gadget. Both of these things where wrong and are
now fixed. (37.225)
21-Dec-1992 MIN Fixed a bug in the Cycle, Mx and ListView
editors. The ListView gadgets in these editors
disabled when run under OS 3.0. (37.226)
22-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed (hopefully) a bug which caused GTB to hang
after editing a string gadget. Bug found by
Ekkehard Goebel. Also fixed the old-file-type
loader to cope with the new internal structures.
23-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed a bug in the Assmbly source generator. When
a gadget creation failed the stack was not popped
correctly. Bug found by Stephan Fuhrmann.
23-Dec-1992 CH Moved the memory de-allocation routines as
GadToolsBox private routines to the library.
23-Dec-1992 CH GadToolsBox now uses the GUI file loader routine
from the gadtoolsbox.library. (37.230)
24-Dec-1992 CH Moved some more memory relative routines to the
library as GadToolsBox private routines. This way
I do not get double coded routines which could
cause compatibilty problems in the future.
Also GTB now requires the V38 version of the
library. (37.231)
24-Dec-1992 CH The GadToolsBox requesters used to fill out the
bevelbox areas with color 0. Now the BACKFILLPEN
is used to keep it the same as the reqtools
requesters. (37.232)
25-Dec-1992 CH MERRY X'MAS. It's late or should I say early.....
Anyway I have adapted GTB so that it uses the 3.0
newlook menus when run on 3.0 systems. (37.233)
25-Dec-1992 MAJ GadToolsBox GURU'd when the gadtoolsbox.library
could not be opened. (37.234)
26-Dec-1992 NF Added the three new dri pens that Kickstart 3.0
offers to the DriPen Editor. Note that these pens
can only be changed when running 3.0! (37.235)
26-Dec-1992 NF Added a getfile gadget to the Main preferences
requester so that the user can select the icon
path using the filerequester. (37.236)
29-Dec-1992 NF GadToolsBox is now, for the biggest part anyway,
localized. (37.237)
31-Dec-1992 MAJ Fixed a big ugly enforcer hit. Enforcer hits
where all over the place when gadtoolsbox was run
with an argument. (37.238)
01-Jan-1993 NF Now GadToolsBox is completely localized. I have
written a special source generator that generates
a localized GUI and uses the gadtoolsbox.library
routines. Perhaps I will release this source
generator as an example how to built your own
source generator using the library. (37.239)
08-Jan-1993 CH Fixed few faults in the GUI design of GadToolsBox
12-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed a major bug. Some palette files which, I
suspect, are made by an early 2.1 palette prefs
editor have an unusually big CMAP chunk which
contains, again I suspect, garbage. Reading these
palette files would cause a system crash uppon
starting GadToolsBox and after loading files with
a PUBLIC or WBENCH screen gui. This has been
fixed. Bug found by Andreas Blohm and Steve
Robbins. (37.241)
12-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the MenuEditor. Now you
cannot add a CommKey to an item with subitems
anymore. Bug found by Marcel Offermans. (37.242)
16-Jan-1993 MIN GadToolsBox forgot to also create the
ENV:GadToolsBox/ directory when it had to create
the ENVARC:GadToolsBox/ directory. Bug found by
Kai Bolay. (37.243)
16-Jan-1993 NF-SA Removed the topaz 8 dependancy when designing
font adaptable GUI's. A lot of people complained
that it is to difficult to design GUI's using
topaz 8 on very high resolutions. Suggested by
several people. (37.244)
17-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug. The window border sizes where
not correctly written. (37.245)
20-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits that occured at startup
during the copying of config data. (37.246)
20-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a gadget selection bug. Bug found by Marcel
Offermans. (37.247)
20-Jan-1993 NF-SA Now there is no respons by the program anymore if
you double click on a size-box of a selected
gadget with the exception of the MX, CHECKBOX and
GETFILE kinds. Suggested by Marcel Offermans.
20-Jan-1993 MIN The coordinate-check for the gadget selection
totally screwed up on GIMMEZEROZERO windows. P.S.
The coordinate display is still incorrect on
GZZ windows. (37.249)
20-Jan-1993 MAJ Fixed enforcer hits when using the GETFILE gadget
in the Main Preferences window. (37.250)
23-Jan-1993 CH Rewritten some of the Palette routines. Now the
BMHD chunk is used to establish the amount of
colors and no more than 32 are allowed. (37.251)
23-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed a small bug in the MenuEditor. Now it is
not possible anymore to add subitems to a
BARLABEL item. Also the name of a BARLABEL item
cannot be changed anymore. (37.252)
24-Jan-1993 CH Filename extensions are not forced anymore. I
still suggest you use them. Suggested by Marcel
Offermans. (37.253)
25-Jan-1993 MIN The vertical spreading of a single gadget to
center it in a specific area really screwed up.
This is now fixed. (37.254)
29-Jan-1993 MIN Fixed to small bugs in the menu editor. It was
possible to edit a source label for an item with
subitems now it isn't anymore. You could not
erase the COMMKEY. Now you can. The double
source label check screwed up. Bugs found by
Marcel Offermans. (37.255)
02-Feb-1993 MIN Fixed some minor grammatical bugs. Bugs found by
Daniel Barrett. (37.256)
04-Feb-1993 MAJ Fixed a bug which could open a overscanned screen
with wrong dimensions. Bug found by Kai Bolay.
04-Feb-1993 NF-SA Now the editing of your GUI on the Workbench or
default public screen is possible. Suggested by
Kai Bolay. (37.258)
05-Feb-1993 CH The "Are you sure you want to quit?" requester
has been removed. Suggested by several people.
13-Feb-1993 MIN Fixed a minor bug in the GUI. The Edit Grid
window could not be moved. (37.260)
16-Feb-1993 MIN The saved flag was not reset after loading a GUI
file. (37.261)
17-Feb-1993 CH The bevelbox move and size are now also confirmed
when releasing the right mouse button. (37.262)
18-Feb-1993 MIN When a GUI using a custom screen was in memory
and you loaded a GUI using the workbench or
default pub-screen ( while editing on the GTB
screen ) the colors and dripens of the previous
file remained active. Phew... (37.263)
22-Feb-1993 NF-SA When changing font the windows will automatically
adapt to the new font. The suggestion was to make
this optional. It is not. Suggested by Kai Bolay.
23-Feb-1993 NF-SA I have build on the above suggestion a little
more. The window will always adapt to the window
title size. This means that if you edit on a
custom screen in topaz 8 and you switch to
editing on the wbench or default public screen
the gadgets, boxes and texts will automatically
adjust the positions to the font that is active
on that screen. (37.265)
24-Feb-1993 MAJ Forgot to set the process window pointer when
reopening the edit window after a window flags
edit. Oops. Bug found by Marcel Offermans.
24-Feb-1993 MAJ Loading gadget files on a window using a
bigger font than used to make the gadgets could
result in a message saying that the gadgets could
not be re-created anymore. Bug found by Marcel
Offermans. (37.267)
24-Feb-1993 SA Enhanced the "Item xxxx already used" requesters
from the Menu Editor. Suggested by Marcel
Offermans. (37.268)
25-Feb-1993 MIN Updated the Oberon source generator. Suggested by
Kai Bolay. (37.269)
26-Feb-1993 SA Added external references to Intuition and
GadToolsBase to the generated C header. Suggested
by Stan Burton. (37.270)
27-Feb-1993 SA The "Save" buttons in the preferences now saves
the preferences and uses them in the program.
Suggested by Marcel Offermans. (37.271)
10-Mar-1993 MIN Added the latest internal Oberon source generator
to GadToolsBox. Suggested by Kai Bolay. (37.272)
12-Mar-1993 CH Removed the depth limit of 5 in the palette
editor. Now 8 is the limit. (37.273)